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Role of AI in Transforming Workplace and Performance Management

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By Lakshminarayanan K.V, Vice President, Human Resources, Data Patterns

In this era of Industry 4.0, characterised by globalisation and advancements in various domains from Nanotechnology to Genetics, a wave of innovations in cutting-edge technology areas like Autonomics, Digital revolution, and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has ushered in a New Normal in both our work and personal lives, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) taking center stage as a transformative force with the potential to revolutionise every aspect of society.

The workplace, as a significant part of our daily lives, has been profoundly influenced
by AI. This article delves deeper into the ways AI has permeated the workplace and
the remarkable transformations it has brought about.

One of the areas in which AI has made a substantial impact is the recruitment process which is critical to business plans. AI is extensively employed in hiring to streamline labor-intensive and time-consuming tasks like sourcing, screening, assessments, and even preliminary interviews, significantly enhancing efficiency. Advanced AI-based online interviewing tools can now analyze speech patterns, facial expressions, and body language to identify the best-fit candidates. Additionally, AI-powered outreach tools can reach out to hundreds of prospective candidates, conduct assessments, and even facilitate interview scheduling. Chatbots, another AI application, assist applicants by addressing their queries during the application process.

Talent development is another domain witnessing massive transformations through AI integration. With AI integrated into daily workplace tools like MS Office, Learning and Development (L&D) professionals can now create personalised workshop plans, communication, and content tailored to individual needs, based on competency gaps. AI also enables organisations to deliver remote leadership workshops through simulated role-play scenarios and gamification while assessing responses.

Moreover, AI plays a pivotal role in enhancing employee productivity by automating repetitive tasks across various departments. The rise of Smart Factories is a testament to this, where fully automated and intelligent networks of systems manage facilities and logistics chains within manufacturing plants, allowing human employees to focus on tasks requiring human intellect and ingenuity, such as client relations, negotiations, supervision, and quality audits.

AI has also revolutionised human resource utilisation, safety, and overall performance through telerobotics. This system enables robots to be operated and controlled by humans from a distance, often using virtual reality. Hazardous tasks in harsh and inaccessible locations can now be executed by robots, allowing companies to transfer expertise and manage projects remotely. Medical experts can even perform complex precision surgeries in distant locations using AI-controlled robotics.

Beyond automating tasks, AI has transformed workplace communication and collaboration. Virtual assistants, such as chatbots, provide instant access to information, improving customer service and internal communication within organisations.

When it comes to workplace optimisation, AI-driven internet-connected sensors play a vital role in monitoring customer touchpoints, processes, and access points. These sensors facilitate facility management actions, such as adjusting room temperature, lighting, and space management, leading to more efficient resource allocation.

AI’s influence extends to advanced areas of management, such as Design Thinking, traditionally known for its human-centric approach. AI’s ability to process vast amounts of data at high speeds has opened up new possibilities, allowing AI algorithms to predict user behavior and preferences, thus enabling customised solutions that anticipate customer needs. Generative AI and foundation models can now transform sketches and descriptions into high-fidelity designs and predict trends to improve targeted marketing strategies.

The World Economic Forum Future of Jobs series has identified that human-centric skills will become paramount for employability in the future since AI is projected to handle most other activities within organisations. Already, over 120 AI tools across six domains are available in the market, streamlining various workplace processes.

In conclusion, AI’s impact on the workplace is mostly about optimisation and speed, aiming to enhance human potential rather than replacing human abilities. By leveraging AI’s capabilities, employees can reduce mundane tasks and focus on more significant challenges, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. AI is a powerful tool that complements and empowers human ingenuity, ultimately driving progress and transforming the way we work and live.

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