Microsoft Corporation (India) has said that students from participating Ed-vantage academic institutes in India can now avail career search guidance and support. The new offering is powered by ‘My Foot In The Door’, and will be delivered through professionally trained and experienced recruiters who will assist students in working towards their career milestones. These career consultants will also deliver pre-interview preparation while guiding students towards individual best fit occupations.
Launched a year ago, Microsoft Ed–vantage endeavors to create a platform for continuous learning and innovation among students, academia and Microsoft partners. The program represents an evolution in the way over 10,000 universities and colleges can adopt Microsoft student solutions to their individual needs, thereby providing the opportunity to compete on the global employment stage on an equal footing. So far, over 80 Indian colleges and universities have enrolled for Microsoft Ed-vantage.
“Microsoft’s Ed-vantage program is geared towards bringing India’s education ecosystem together with the objective of helping students in India gain industry relevant employability skills. Today, we are excited to enhance the Ed-vantage proposition with the addition of this personalized coaching platform delivered by ‘My Foot In The Door’,” said Joseph Landes, General Manager – Developer and Platform Evangelism, Microsoft Corporation (India) Pvt. Ltd.
“My Foot In The Door believes our platform, solution, and career consultants provide a broad tool kit for students who are preparing to enter the job market for the first time,” said Bosko Lazic, Executive VP of My Foot In The Door. “Our work with Microsoft’s Ed-Vantage program is a natural fit as we share a similar goal in providing value and resources to the brightest young adults in India in their pursuit of a best-fit career.”
Microsoft Ed–vantage was launched in response to the feedback received from academic institutions in India. The key aspects of this feedback related to helping the institutions with topics that are most relevant to them, such as partnering with them to bring in more technology innovation and capacity building for faculty and students, and making their students more employable.
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