Avaya announces software-defined data center framework

Avaya has announced its software-defined data center framework, designed to deliver productivity, agility and time-to-service enhancements to businesses operating highly virtualized data centers. The Avaya Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) framework aims to break down traditional data center silos that require weeks or months to turn up an application and replace it with a simple five-step process that takes minutes.

The Avaya SDDC framework includes an orchestration process that combines, customizes and commissions compute, storage and network components. According to the compay, use of the OpenStack cloud computing platform will allow data center administrations to deploy virtual machines, assign storage and configure networks through a single graphical user interface. Avaya Fabric Connect is said  to enhance the OpenStack environment by removing restrictions in traditional Ethernet VLAN/ Spanning Tree-based networks to enable a dynamic, flexible and scalable network services model.

Avaya’s Software-Defined Data Center framework is the first phase of Avaya’s Software-Defined Networking roadmap.

Marc Randall, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Avaya Networking said, “This announcement demonstrates that enterprises can immediately realize the operational benefits of real-time orchestration and automation. While some remain hung-up on definitions of SDN and what it might to deliver in the future, Avaya is delivering tangible business benefits today.”

“In many ways this is a logical evolution of Avaya’s Data Center networking portfolio. Having executed on its vision of using Fabric Connect (based on enhanced Shortest Path Bridging) as an end-to-end architecture, it only makes sense to wrap it with an orchestration and automation enabler like OpenStack. This is a natural and powerful extension for Avaya, and their present and future customers will surely embrace it,” said Rohit Mehra, Vice President-Network Infrastructure, IDC.

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