JDA Software launches end-to-end supply chain collaboration solution

JDA Software Group, Inc, has released JDA  Flowcasting, an end-to-end supply chain collaboration and management solution.    

The JDA Flowcasting solution enables a completely integrated and unified supply chain for manufacturers, distributors and retailers. Using inputs such as point-of-sale, inventory and promotions, JDAFlowcasting eliminates the disconnect that exists today in nearly all retail supply chains by providing a common set of plans for demand, replenishment, transportation, capacity and financial projections that all trading partners can agree upon and execute.    

JDA Flowcasting represents the next generation of collaboration for trading partners looking to create joint value for their respective organizations and is a massive leap forward from previous forms of collaboration such as Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR). Built on JDA’s rich end-to-end collaborative supply chain management capabilities, JDA Flowcasting leverages JDA’s highly scalable architectural platform and is deployed via JDA Cloud Services to deliver rapid, sustained return on investment and enhanced organizational agility.    

The solution enables trading partners to effectively collaborate on the supply chain parameters that drive time-phased plans from the shelf to the factory versus just the outputs of the plans, such as the sales or order forecast. By enabling the end-to-end supply chain to be modeled in a common shared cloud instance, accelerated forms of simulation can take place to extract new value streams that were not visible in the past. This allows trading partners to quickly evaluate the trade-offs of different supply chain options that drive mutual benefit, make joint decisions, and then quickly execute.    

“JDAFlowcasting provides companies with dramatic new capabilities to drive higher on-shelf availability at lower supply chain costs,” said Fred Baumann, Group Vice President, JDA Software.“We are very excited about the business value this technology can bring to our customers and the long-standing problem it solves – enabling a single source of forecast truth for retailers and their suppliers.”    

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