Edge computing and cloud solutions ensure reliable, real-time data processing, and robust connectivity for IoT deployments: Rushikesh Jadav, CTO, ESDS

With soaring digitalisation and the rising significance of data, data management and data security are terms that have taken center stage for almost all board meetings today. ESDS is among the prominent cloud solutions providers offering innovations in edge computing, real-time data processing, predictive analytics, and more. Rushikesh Jadav, Chief Technology Officer, ESDS Software Solution, joins Express Computer in an exclusive conversation and shares the company’s vantage points on evolving cloud solutions and changing customer requirements with the onset of the AI wave.

How do ESDS’ innovations in edge computing and its cloud solutions support IoT deployments, enhancing real-time data processing and connectivity?

By processing data closer to its source, edge computing lowers latency and allows faster decision-making and more responsive IoT applications. The strong edge architecture of ESDS ensures that data from IoT devices is processed locally, reducing the amount of data that needs to be transferred to centralised cloud servers. This localised processing eases network congestion, lowers bandwidth costs, and improves speed.

ESDS’s cloud solutions offer a scalable and secure data management, analysis, and storage environment, complementing edge computing. Our cloud platform smoothly integrates with IoT devices for continuous connectivity and real-time data synchronisation. ESDS also provides AI and advanced analytics tools to extract meaningful insights from IoT data, improving predictive maintenance and operational efficiency. 

Our extensive ecosystem, edge computing, and cloud solutions ensure reliable, real-time data processing, and robust connectivity for IoT deployments. This fosters innovation and enhances the overall performance of companies so that they can utilise IoT completely.

How do ESDS’ cloud solutions leverage AI and machine learning to enhance performance, automate processes, and provide predictive analytics?

The cybersecurity AI industry is anticipated to increase significantly over the next several years, from around 24 billion US dollars in 2023 to approximately 134 billion US dollars by 2030. With the Integration of AI and machine learning into cloud infrastructure, ESDS allows organisations to process and analyse vast amounts of data at speed and accuracy never seen before. These solutions ensure effective workload management and enhanced system performance by allocating resources appropriately.

A key benefit is automation; AI-powered solutions handle repetitive tasks, reducing human intervention and errors. This simplifies processes and frees up time for businesses to focus on strategic initiatives. ML algorithms allow the system to advance and adapt to new circumstances by continuously learning from data.

Predictive analytics uses AI and machine learning to forecast future trends and potential issues based on historical data. This allows companies to make data-driven decisions and proactively address challenges, eventually boosting growth and competitiveness.

When it comes to cloud deployments, cost is one factor that could prove to be a deal-maker or deal-breaker. eNlight Cloud from ESDS offers unique cost optimisation features. How is it helping businesses manage and reduce their cloud expenses efficiently?

eNlight Cloud from ESDS helps businesses efficiently manage and reduce cloud expenses through innovative cost optimisation features. Auto-scaling technology dynamically adjusts resources based on demand, ensuring companies only pay for what they use and eliminating overprovisioning costs.

The pay-per-consume model costs businesses based on actual resource consumption, providing precise cost management. Detailed monitoring and resource usage alerts help track real-time consumption and prevent unexpected expenses.

ESDS also focuses on energy-efficient infrastructure that lowers operational costs and offers customised pricing plans tailored to specific businesses. These features enable organisations to optimise cloud spending and allocate resources more strategically.

Today, enterprises are actively adopting newer technologies and modernising their existing IT infrastructure. How is ESDS addressing the customers in this regard?

ESDS offers diverse advanced services and solutions to assist businesses in implementing newer technologies and updating their IT infrastructure. Its cloud computing systems, including eNlight Cloud, Community Cloud, hosting services, and many more, provide secure, flexible, and scalable environments to satisfy the various needs of modern businesses. These platforms promote easy maintenance, integration, and migration of outdated systems.

ESDS integrates AI and ML into its cloud solutions to meet the increasing demand for advanced data analytics and automation. This integration helps businesses make data-driven decisions and maintain their competitive edge by improving performance, automating repetitive tasks, and delivering predictive analytics. Also, ESDS-managed services offer expert assistance to assist businesses in improving their IT infrastructure while enhancing operational efficiency. 

For modern businesses, security is a top priority. ESDS provides strong cybersecurity solutions, such as managed security services and extensive threat detection and response features. By offering a comprehensive approach to IT modernisation, we help businesses take advantage of the latest innovations, increase productivity, and maintain a safe and robust IT environment.

In this era of uncertainty with the evolving threat landscape, security is of paramount importance. How are you ensuring robust security and compliance features in your cloud offerings while protecting sensitive data and meeting regulatory requirements?

Approximately 34 percent of organisations lack skills in cloud cybersecurity. Therefore, ESDS comes with extensive expertise in cybersecurity. ESDS uses a multi-layered approach to ensure strong security and compliance in its cloud offerings in an uncertain era with a changing threat landscape. The cloud platforms use advanced cybersecurity techniques like intrusion detection systems, firewalls, and encryption to protect sensitive data. To reduce risks and ensure data integrity, ESDS uses continuous monitoring and threat intelligence to instantly identify and address possible security problems. 

ESDS sets a high priority on compliance, and its cloud solutions are made to comply with several legal regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and ISO standards. ESDS provides strong data governance standards, regular compliance audits, and thorough audit trails to ensure compliance with these regulations. Also, ESDS delivers managed security services that help companies traverse complicated legal environments while maintaining strong security. These services include professional advice on regulatory compliance. This comprehensive approach guarantees the protection of sensitive client data and the regular fulfillment of legal requirements.

Data resilience and backup are the next crucial aspects to ensure business continuity. How ESDS’ cloud services offer robust disaster recovery solutions, ensuring business continuity even in the face of unexpected disruptions? 

The cloud services provided by ESDS offer strong disaster recovery solutions that ensure company continuity even in the event of unexpected disruptions. We have extensive disaster recovery (DR) strategies, including geographically dispersed data centers, automated backups, and real-time data replication. In the event of a failure, this configuration guarantees that vital data is continually duplicated and may be promptly restored.

eNlight Cloud’s auto-scaling and self-healing features, which automatically distribute resources and recover from disturbances with minimal downtime, are examples of advanced disaster recovery technologies that ESDS uses. Their systems are built for rapid failover, which enables companies to switch to backup systems and maintain business continuity seamlessly. 

ESDS routinely tests and validates DR plans to ensure their reliability and efficiency. By offering these DR solutions, ESDS helps businesses protect critical data, maintain operational continuity, and reduce disruptions’ impact—all of which increase overall resilience.

What are your further plans for the Indian market in the upcoming year? Shall we expect any new launches?

ESDS targets to grow its market share in India significantly through strategic initiatives in the coming years. We will launch new cloud solutions that use cutting-edge AI and ML capabilities to improve data analytics, automation, and operational efficiencies for companies in various industries.

We aim to secure our clients’ data from new risks by addressing the dynamic threat landscape by deploying improved cybersecurity products. Furthermore, ESDS will concentrate on developing our data center infrastructure to meet the increasing need for reliable and scalable cloud services. 

Our approach consists of focused solutions with features designed to meet the needs of particular industries, such as enterprises, BFSI, and government. With these initiatives, ESDS aims to further innovation, promote digital transformation, and establish itself as one of India’s top cloud service providers by offering our clients modern technology and first-rate customer assistance.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)cloud solutionsdata resilienceESDS Software SolutionOperational efficiencypredictive maintenance
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