Microsoft and Packt to Provide Free eBooks on NoSQL databases and containerization to Help Developers Adapt to the Demands of Cloud Native Development

Cloud computing is transforming the way developers build and manage software applications, which demands a significant shift in mindset and skills across the developer world. A survey by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) in 2018 found that the use of cloud native technologies has grown by an incredible 200% since December 2017.

To help developers learn new skills and successfully adapt to cloud native practices, Microsoft is partnering with technology publisher Packt to provide two new free eBooks. These eBooks tackle two important aspects of cloud native development – NoSQL databases and containerization. They provide a range of tutorials and practical guidance that will help developers make the most of these new technologies.

In Guide to NoSQL with Azure Cosmos DB, readers will learn how Cosmos DB, Microsoft’s new NoSQL database, can provide a resilient and scalable foundation for cloud native applications. Containerize Your Apps with Docker and Kubernetes explores how developers can leverage containers to deploy and manage applications on the cloud.

Both eBooks have been developed by Packt and are available to download for free on the Microsoft Azure website.

Oliver Huggins, Head of Product Technology at Packt, commented that, “Cloud native development is a major industry shift that every software developer will need to adapt to. While the relentless pace of change in tech can seem cut-throat, by working with Microsoft on these free eBooks we’re showing that the industry can work together to help developers adapt to this new way of working.”

Huggins continued, “We’re delighted to be working with Microsoft – their ethos is very similar to ours in that they put the needs of developers first. With these two free eBooks we hope to empower developers to fully embrace the opportunities of cloud native development.”

Download Guide to NoSQL with Azure CosmosDB from Microsoft Azure here.
Download Containerize Your Apps with Docker and Kubernetes from Microsoft Azure here.

Cloud Native Computing FoundationcontainerizationKubernetesMicrosoft AzureNoSQLPackt
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