SAS – Artificial Intelligence for Executives

A great deal of investment and planning must be done to successfully implement AI applications. Failure to strategist in a holistic manner will result in barriers to adoption by both internal and external stakeholders. When creating a business strategy, understand that analytics and AI are only one piece.

For AI to be used effectively, it’s important that the strategy around it feeds into your larger business strategy, always taking into account the convergence of people, process and technology.

When it comes to driving strategy, using the right tactics at the right time is essential to achieving success. Despite the hype, artificial intelligence is not the correct solution to every problem. Understanding where, when and how to apply these capabilities within a larger strategy requires expertise in both industry and analytics.

At the same time, artificial intelligence should not be a black-box tool that operates separately from the rest of your organizational strategy. There will be problems that are best solved by more traditional methods and others that are ideal for the application of artificial intelligence.

A differentiation for SAS is our ability to combine traditional and modern machine learning methods in the same platform, working on the same data with an integrated security model. It’s simple – one platform, any analytical method.

To learn more about artificial intelligence and SAS solutions for AI, Download the whitepaper.

    How do you target your customers for marketing campaigns?
    Currently decisions are based on insights from BI Reports/DashboardsCurrently decisions are fact-based, through customer behavior analysis and segmentation/profilingCurrently decisions are mostly based on gut-feel & instincts

    How do you execute your campaigns?
    Currently campaigns are executed, and performance reported via manual/excel based lists.Currently campaigns are executed, and performance reported via our Campaign Management ToolCurrently execution of campaigns is outsourced to third party

    Your organisation is evaluating “Customer Intelligence/Campaign Management” solutions for?Building faster and targeted campaignsOptimizing on offer and communication channels for customer communicationIncrease wallet share and improving customer engagementPredicting customer behavior and maximizing customer lifetime value

    Any Other

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