eGovWatch: CCTNS project launched in Manipur

eGovWatch: CCTNS project launched in Manipur

Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS) project, a mission mode project fully sponsored by the Government of India under the national eGovernance Programme, was launched in Manipur recently.

The project was launched by chief minister O Ibobi Singh at Imphal police station.

Under the CCTNS project, 101 police stations are planned to be automated. However, only 25 police stations will be covered in the first phase.

Speaking at the inauguration of CCTNS, chief minister O Ibobi Singh said that the project will improve the prevailing law and order situation across the state.

“The state government is taking appropriate measures to implement the project,” he added.

With the use of CCTNS, the record of crimes and criminals available at one police station would be accessible to any other police station in the state. CCTNS is aimed at making the police functioning citizen friendly and more transparent by automating the functioning of police stations. It will create a comprehensive and integrated system for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of policing by adopting principle of eGovernance.

Crime and criminal tracking projectegovernanceImphallaunchManipurpolice functioningproject
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