Aegon Life Insurance’s Commitment to Digital Trust and Security Reinforced by ISO 27001 Certification

Aegon Life Insurance’s Commitment to Digital Trust and Security Reinforced by ISO 27001 Certification

Aegon Life Insurance has revolutionized its operations with a new digital platform, delivering a seamless and straight-through experience for purchasing policies. With a visionary ‘Pure Digital 2.0’ strategy, the insurance firm is pioneering an AI-driven approach to financially secure every Indian household. But it’s not just about convenience and efficiency – this strategy is also firmly rooted in the principles of security and privacy. As we continue to move towards a digital-first world, customers are increasingly concerned about data breaches and privacy violations.

The company realizes that in this journey of digital transformation, building digital trust among customers and partners has become paramount. To achieve this objective and ensure unbeatable data security, Aegon Life Insurance has achieved ISO 27001 certification, assuring the security of customer information and benchmarking its tech and information security platform to global standards. “This achievement is part of our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of security for the protection of customer information.

With this announcement, we seek to instill confidence in our existing and prospective customers and reinforce our commitment to securing their digital lives”, said Aegon Life MD & CEO, Satishwar Balakrishnan.

Kiran Belsekar, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) & IT Governance at Aegon Life Insurance, emphasized that the company’s recent ISO 27001 certification reflects its deep commitment to security and privacy. “This certification aligns with the organization’s vision as we seriously treat security and privacy risks. We want to assure our customers and partners that their privacy and security are paramount to us.”

The company’s management provided support to improve its internal processes and make everyone aware of security risks. “We have safeguarded our technology infrastructure by improving the maturity of our internal processes,” said Balakrishnan.

As a digital-only life insurance provider, Aegon Life understands the critical importance of digital trust in today’s world. The company has implemented a range of robust security measures across its digital-native multi-cloud environment, enabling its employees to work from anywhere with confidence. “We take our responsibility to safeguard customer information very seriously, which is why we are committed to continually improving our processes and maintaining the highest standards of information security and privacy. Our ISO 27001 certification brings not only improved security, but also better compliance, a competitive advantage, increased risk management, and most importantly, greater trust and confidence among our customers and partners,” emphasized Belsekar.

The company’s commitment to continually improving digital trust and information security is evident through the cloudification of its tech and security operations. This has enabled Aegon Life Insurance to become a more agile and efficient organization, better able to meet the needs of its customers, partners, and employees. The ISO 27001 certification is one more notable achievement in its illustrious list of achievements.

Aegon Life Insurance’s achievement of ISO 27001 certification marks a significant milestone in its digital transformation journey, and demonstrates its commitment to maintain the highest standards of information security and privacy.

Aegon LifeCISOISO 27001Kiran BelsekarSatishwar Balakrishnansecurity
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