EdTech Revolution in India: Transforming Learning and Teaching

By Avinav Sharma, Head Strategy, MSM Unify

With a burgeoning youth population and an increasing emphasis on quality education, India is poised for an EdTech revolution. According to a KPMG and Google report, the Indian EdTech market was pegged to reach $1.96 billion by 2021, with around 9.6 million users. As we stand halfway through 2023, the numbers have already exceeded the predicted metrics, thanks in part to the COVID-19 pandemic and the digital transition it catalyzed.

The EdTech Landscape in India
EdTech in India is being driven by several key factors: rapid digitalisation, increasing internet penetration, and a government actively promoting digital literacy. For instance, India’s internet users were expected to register double-digit growth to reach 666.4 million in 2023, as per eMarketer’s forecast. These trends align with India’s government initiative, the Digital India program, promoting digital literacy and creating a digitally empowered society.

The Influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI is playing a pivotal role in the EdTech revolution, personalising education like never
before. AI-based learning platforms adapt to each student’s learning pace and provide
personalized content based on their strengths and weaknesses. A recent study revealed that
the Indian AI in the education market is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 45% during

One popular application of AI in Indian education is Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), which provides real-time, personalized feedback to students. ITS, like Bangalore-based WizKlub’s HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) program, leverages AI to develop cognitive skills in students, enhancing their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Addressing the Digital Divide
While the EdTech revolution brings considerable opportunities, it also poses challenges –
the most significant being the digital divide. According to a report by the Telecom
Regulatory Authority of India, as of 2020, internet penetration in rural India stood at a
meager 38.2% compared to 97.9% in urban areas.

Recognizing this disparity, the Indian government launched the PM eVIDYA initiative in 2020 to boost digital education. It includes the DIKSHA platform, which provides teachers,
students, and parents engaging learning material, and SWAYAM, an online course portal
offering high-quality learning resources for everyone, free of cost.

Future Prospects and Challenges
In addition to digital accessibility, other challenges need to be addressed for the successful
implementation of EdTech in India. These include infrastructural issues, lack of digital
literacy among teachers, and concerns about online safety and privacy.

Yet, despite these challenges, the future of EdTech in India appears promising. The adoption of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, which emphasizes digital learning and technological integration in classrooms, marks a progressive step towards a tech-enabled Indian education system.

Furthermore, venture capital investments in Indian EdTech startups have been on the rise,
with Byju’s, Unacademy, and Vedantu collectively raising more than $2 billion in funding in
2020. This financial backing is a strong indicator of the immense potential the sector holds.

In conclusion, the EdTech revolution in India is transforming learning and teaching
experiences, overcoming geographical and economic barriers, and promising a future where
Quality education is accessible to all. However, to harness its full potential, it’s crucial to address existing challenges, like the digital divide and lack of digital literacy. Through
collective effort from the government, educators, parents, and EdTech companies, a bright
future awaits Indian education.

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