How AES encryption can help counter quantum threats

By Srinivas Shekar, CEO and Co-Founder, Pantherun Technologies

As technology advances, cybercriminals continuously evolve their methods to break encryption and steal data. One of the biggest upcoming threats to current encryption methods is the rise of quantum computing. Unlike traditional computers, quantum computers have the potential to solve complex problems at incredibly fast speeds, which includes breaking cryptographic algorithms that are currently considered secure. This emerging challenge, often referred to as the “quantum threat,” raises important questions about the future of data security and how we can protect sensitive information in a post-quantum world.

Understanding the Quantum Threat
To understand why quantum computing poses a risk to current encryption, we need to look at how it works. Quantum computers use algorithms that operate very differently from those used in classical computing. One such algorithm is Grover’s algorithm, which can significantly speed up the process of searching for an encryption key. For instance, with symmetric encryption algorithms like AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), Grover’s algorithm can effectively halve the key strength.

To put it simply, if a classical computer takes a certain number of steps to find the right key to unlock an encrypted message, a quantum computer using Grover’s algorithm can do it in about the square root of those steps. For example, breaking an AES-256 encryption key, which normally requires 2^256 operations, could be reduced to just 2^128 operations using a quantum computer. While 2^128 operations are still a large number and difficult to achieve with today’s technology, the potential power of future quantum computers makes this a significant concern for cybersecurity.

Strengthening AES encryption to counter quantum threats
Given this potential threat, cybersecurity experts are exploring ways to enhance existing encryption standards to withstand quantum attacks. One approach is to use AES encryption with longer key sizes. By increasing the key size, the encryption becomes more resistant to quantum attacks, making it significantly more challenging for even the most powerful quantum computers to break.

AES-384 and AES-512: Doubling down on security
One of the promising solutions is the adoption of AES encryption with 384-bit and 512-bit keys:
⦁ AES-384: With a 384-bit key, the effective security against quantum attacks is equivalent to 192-bit security in a classical context. This provides a stronger level of protection compared to the standard AES-256, giving a significant margin of safety in a future where quantum computing is a real threat.
⦁ AES-512: Taking it a step further, AES with a 512-bit key offers even greater security, equivalent to 256 bits in a quantum scenario. This makes it incredibly challenging for a quantum computer to break the encryption, even using advanced algorithms like Grover’s.

By using these enhanced key sizes, organizations can ensure that their data remains protected not only against today’s cyber threats but also against future ones driven by quantum advancements.

Examples of Quantum-resistant applications
The benefits of enhancing AES encryption to counter quantum threats extend across various sectors. For instance:
⦁ Manufacturing: Predictive maintenance systems in factories rely heavily on data security to ensure that sensitive operational information is not compromised. Quantum-resistant encryption helps protect this data from unauthorized access.
⦁ Smart Infrastructure: In smart cities, data flows continuously between interconnected devices. Enhanced encryption ensures that this data remains secure, preventing potential breaches that could disrupt critical services.
Cybersecurity and data protection: In sectors like finance and defense, the need for robust data protection is paramount. Quantum-resistant encryption is essential for safeguarding sensitive communications and transactions against future threats.

Preparing for a quantum-resistant future
To navigate the upcoming challenges posed by quantum computing, engineers and cybersecurity experts must adopt a multi-faceted approach. Continuous learning, curiosity, and subject matter expertise are crucial in this evolving landscape. This includes a mix of formal education, online courses, mentorship, and hands-on experience to stay ahead of the curve.
Moreover, as we strengthen our encryption standards to counter quantum threats, we must also consider sustainability. Developing efficient algorithms and secure systems that consume less energy while providing stronger protection aligns with global goals for a greener, more secure future. The rise of quantum computing represents both an opportunity and a challenge for data security. By enhancing AES encryption with longer key sizes like 384 and 512 bits, we can ensure a robust defense against potential quantum attacks. This proactive approach is essential for protecting critical data and infrastructure, ensuring that we are prepared for the next frontier of cybersecurity in an increasingly digital and connected world.

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