How professionals should leverage GenAI for long-term career growth

By Orla Daly, Chief Information Officer, Skillsoft

The rise of ChatGPT has sparked significant interest in generative AI (GenAI). According to McKinsey, GenAI could add  $4.4 trillion to the global economy  annually. This technology impacts most jobs across various industries, from healthcare and finance to marketing and entertainment. As a result, companies will need to reimagine their skilling and talent initiatives as AI capabilities will redefine the very fabric of the global workforce.

This is particularly true when it comes to the ways we communicate, learn, and work. In fact, OpenAI predicts that at least 80% of all jobs, especially those of knowledge workers, will be influenced, changed, or augmented by GenAI. Despite these projections, a wide AI skills gap exists today. According to Skillsoft’s latest C-Suite Perspective Report, 71% of executives say skills gaps are present within their organisation, and nearly 62% anticipate more skill gaps to arise in the next one to two years.

Tech leaders reveal that their skilling struggles are driven by difficulties in hiring and attracting candidates with the right skills, coupled with the rapid pace of technological change outpacing skills training, and additional challenges beyond the global economy. So, the question is, where do we go from here? How can organisations and professionals build the necessary skills to close critical competency gaps and capitalise on the disruption of AI?

For AI use to grow within an organisation, its employees must be skilled, reskilled, or upskilled to maximise its full potential. Organisations must consider the technical skills required to utilise the technology, the human skills to mobilise the organisation and sustain progress, and the ethical and governance skills to leverage it responsibly. However, irrespective of where organisations are on the AI journey, individuals can independently embrace AI capabilities and learn how to harness GenAI to support their personal career growth.

Professionals looking to leverage GenAI to boost their careers and stay relevant in an ever-changing job market should consider the following:

Adopt a learning mindset
The first step in leveraging GenAI for career growth is to adopt a learning mindset. Continuous learning is no longer optional; it’s a necessity as technology advancements continue to evolve. Familiarise yourself with the basics of AI and machine learning, then dive deeper into GenAI. Online courses, webinars, and workshops are excellent resources for gaining knowledge and skills. Skillsoft’s Codecademy, for instance, offers a range of AI and machine learning courses that can help you get started and advance your understanding.

Identify relevant applications in your field
Once you have a foundational understanding of GenAI, identify how it can be applied in your field. In marketing, GenAI can create personalised content at scale. In healthcare, it can assist in drug discovery and personalised treatment plans. In HR, it can be used for onboarding and learning tasks. In customer service, AI-powered chatbots can enhance support by providing instant responses. Understanding GenAI’s specific applications in your industry can position you as an innovative professional.

Develop technical skills
While a broad understanding of GenAI is beneficial, developing technical skills can set you apart from your peers. Learning prompt engineering and AI frameworks, and programming languages like Python can be incredibly valuable. These skills enable you to build and implement AI models, making you a more versatile professional. Many online platforms offer courses and hands-on labs to help you develop these technical competencies.

Enhance creativity and problem-solving abilities
GenAI is not just about technical prowess; it’s also about power skills such as creativity and problem-solving. Professionals who can think outside the box and leverage AI to address complex challenges will stand out. Using AI tools to brainstorm ideas and test solutions can help you develop a unique perspective and demonstrate your ability to innovate.

Collaborate and network
Collaboration and networking are essential as GenAI continues to evolve. Joining AI-focused communities, attending conferences, and participating in online forums is vital for connecting with other professionals in the field. Sharing knowledge and learning from others can accelerate growth and open new opportunities. Additionally, collaborating on projects can provide hands-on experience and help you build a portfolio showcasing your skills.

Stay updated with industry trends
The AI landscape is constantly changing, with new advancements and applications emerging regularly. Staying updated with industry trends is crucial for leveraging AI effectively. Follow reputable AI research journals, blogs, and news outlets to keep abreast of the latest developments. Subscribing to newsletters and joining professional organisations can also help you stay informed about new tools, techniques, and best practices.

Ethical considerations
As you explore GenAI, it’s important to consider the ethical implications. AI technologies can raise concerns about privacy, bias, and fairness. Professionals who understand and address these ethical considerations will be better positioned to implement AI responsibly. Familiarise yourself with the ethical guidelines and policies related to AI in your industry and in your organisation and strive to create solutions that are both innovative and ethical.

Overall, GenAI is a powerful tool for long-term career growth. Developers, marketers, coaches, leaders, and professionals from diverse fields can all benefit from AI-powered solutions. By adopting a learning mindset, identifying relevant applications, developing technical skills, enhancing creativity, collaborating with others, staying updated with industry trends, and considering ethical implications, professionals can harness GenAI’s potential to stay ahead in their careers.

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