Impact of real-time simulation on renewable energy integration

Impact of real-time simulation on renewable energy integration

By: Girish Nanjundaiah, Managing Director – Indian Subcontinent, Opal-RT Technologies India

Global warming is gripping the world at a rapid pace. Given its enormous impact on the environment, the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources has become relevant, now more than ever. In line with this, nations across the world are expanding their capacity for renewable power generation. By 2025, renewable energy is likely to surpass coal to become the world’s top source of electricity, according to the International Energy Agency. Looking ahead, in 2028, 68 countries may boast renewables as their main source of power.

In congruence with these positive developments, several technological advancements are being explored to enhance the efficiency of renewable energy. A major one is real-time simulation which mirrors the operation of real-world processes and systems with the use of models to test their applicability and efficiency. Primarily, real-time simulation operates by combining powerful hardware with specialised software. The hardware includes real-time digital simulators designed to execute complex calculations at high speeds (micro-nano-pico sec) to simulate the behaviour of the energy system in real time. With this, the software comprises simulation tools developed to create virtual models, grid infrastructures, and environmental factors affecting energy production.

As real-time simulation is being employed in various sectors across the globe, implementing and scaling it up in renewable energy can aid in achieving the worldwide ambitious target of reaching net zero emissions by 2050. Let’s understand how.

Integrating real-time simulation with renewable energy

Real-time simulation has a huge impact on renewable energy as it enables appropriate modelling, testing and optimisation of energy systems. In the current scenario, they allow engineers to simulate the behaviours of energy sources like solar panels, wind turbines and energy storage systems across different conditions apart from the grid itself, without the need for physical systems. With its advanced mechanisms, it can further avert grid failures. This means it can test actual power electronics and energy management systems under simulated operating conditions, enabling seamless integration with renewable energy technologies and minimising risks before deployment.

Moreover, real-time simulation facilitates greater integration of energy storage systems, which can capture situations like excess or lack of renewable energy (highlighting intermittency) when production is high and release it when demand increases or generation drops. By creating a digital twin, simulation also analyses energy flows. With its help, grid operators can make data-driven decisions on how to allocate energy resources effectively, leading to a more sustainable, diverse and reliable energy mix. Above and beyond, it can help in countering cyberattacks by pinpointing vulnerabilities, detecting anomalies in real time and implementing automated responses based on algorithms to mitigate potential threats.

When it comes to regulatory compliance and risk management, real-time simulation can aid in compliance testing, helping utilities and energy providers meet the desired standards efficiently. Besides, it allows for accelerating deployment by reducing the time needed for testing and validation in the disposition of renewable energy technologies. In addition, real-time simulation makes grid scalability possible. It can design scalable systems that accommodate higher shares of renewables, enabling utilities to evaluate the impacts of increased penetration of renewables into the energy mix. As these technologies boast ever-growing advantages, it is worth considering how real-time simulation will shape the future of renewable energy.

Some challenges and opportunities

Initially, scientists, researchers, and grid operators often found themselves in flux considering the size of complex grids like those of India and China. These challenges have now been addressed by frontrunners in the industry since they have tapped into computational power and machine learning algorithms to improve real-time simulation, making it more accurate and less resource-intensive.

At present, the renewable energy sector heavily relies on fast-switching power electronics. Therefore, simulating the classical power systems with higher inertia coupled with the fast-switching power electronics and their controls is extremely vital. Considering the pace of technological advancements, the power grids will become more and more complex in times to come. In light of this, there exists a distinct need for major computing power, speed and scalability. Thus, the renewable energy sector will need cutting-edge technologies to accelerate its growth, and the integration of real-time simulation can unleash its full potential. It will further enable high-speed switching of power electronics in power systems and open up opportunities for faster simulation with greater sizes.

As sustainability in the energy sector is the need of the hour, real-time simulation can contribute to it significantly. By improving the efficiency of renewable energy technologies, it is bound to aid in higher reliability of power grids. What is more, real-time simulation will support the transition to a low-carbon economy and enable utilities to better predict energy demand. In future, it will assist in reducing worldwide fossil fuel dependency and contribute to meeting global climate goals.

In sum, it can be said that real-time simulation plays a fundamental role in advancing the integration of renewable energy into power systems. Consequently, it is bound to contribute to energy efficiency, leading to a resilient and sustainable tomorrow.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)machine learning (ML)real-time simulationRenewable EnergySustainability
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