The promise of open banking: How data sharing is changing financial services

By Ravi Jain, Co-Founder & MD, Blostem

The financial services industry is undergoing a paradigm shift driven by open banking. This transformative approach to data sharing, facilitated by Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), is fostering innovation, expanding its portfolio of product offerings, and creating exciting new business opportunities. Open banking empowers customers with more control over their financial data, paving the way for a more inclusive, efficient, and dynamic financial ecosystem.

Unleashing innovation through secure data sharing
Open banking works on the secure exchange of financial data between financial institutions (FIs) and third-party Fintech companies through APIs. These APIs act as digital bridges, enabling smooth communication and data transfer. This collaborative approach dismantles traditional data silos, fostering a more open and interconnected financial environment.

The benefits of open banking are multifaceted. Customers gain greater control over their financial data, allowing them to securely share it with authorized providers. This empowers them to explore a wider range of customized financial products and services, ultimately promoting financial stability and well-being. Additionally, open banking fosters innovation within the industry, as Fintech companies leverage customer-consented data to develop cutting-edge solutions.

The Account Aggregator (AA) framework, regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), is a cornerstone of open banking in India. AAs act as trusted intermediaries, allowing users to consolidate their financial data from various sources, including banks, mutual funds, and insurance companies, into a single platform. This holistic view of one’s financial health empowers individuals to make informed decisions regarding all kinds of budgeting, saving, and investments.

The benefits of account aggregation extend beyond personal finance management. By providing lenders with a comprehensive view of an individual’s financial standing, AAs facilitate a more precise and accurate credit assessment process. This leads to faster loan approvals, improved creditworthiness for borrowers with limited credit history, and potentially lower interest rates.
Regulatory Landscape: The RBI plays a pivotal role in shaping the open banking landscape in India. It has issued guidelines outlining the framework for AAs, data security standards, and customer consent mechanisms. As of June 2024, there are over 18 registered AAs in India, and the number of open banking APIs offered by FIs continues to grow rapidly.

Fixed deposits reimagined: Convenience meets higher returns
Open banking has introduced newness into the fixed deposit (FD) segment. Platforms leveraging APIs are now offering investors a smarter and more attractive FD experience. These platforms aggregate data on FD offerings from various banks, enabling investors to compare rates, features, and terms seamlessly. This transparency empowers individuals to make informed investment decisions and secure the best possible returns on their FDs. Furthermore, open banking facilitates greater convenience. Investors can now invest in FDs electronically through these platforms, eliminating the need for physically visiting bank branches. This streamlines the investment process and reduces turnaround times.

Gone are the days of bank queues for fixed deposits (FDs) in India. Technology has transformed FDs, allowing users to open them in minutes from their phones. These platforms offer a one-stop shop for comparing rates across various banks, ensuring investors snag the best deals (up to 9.5%!). Gone are opaque processes; clear comparisons and transparent information empower users to make informed investment decisions. Security remains paramount with robust payment gateways. Mobile app access allows for on-the-go management – tracking maturity dates, reinvesting interest, and monitoring everything seamlessly. This tech-driven approach transforms traditional FDs into smarter financial tools, offering convenience, security, and the potential for higher returns. With technology, FDs become strategic financial instruments, empowering users to invest with confidence.

Digital secured lending: Unlocking credit with ease
Digital secured lending, particularly loans against mutual funds (MFs) and fixed deposits (FDs), is gaining significant traction in India. This trend is fuelled by the adoption of open banking principles, advancements in technology, and the growing demand for quick and hassle-free access to credit.

Open banking empowers lenders to mark lien on borrower’s financial assets, such as Mutual funds, shares and Fixed Deposit. This provide users easy liquidity against their assets and provide funds at lower interest rate. This open doors for individuals with limited credit history or those who may not qualify for traditional loans. Additionally, digital secured lending offers faster loan approvals and disbursements, catering to the need for immediate financial support.

Building on strong foundations: Established solutions
Open banking is not operating in a vacuum. It builds upon existing solutions that have already revolutionized the Indian financial landscape. Here are some prominent examples:
Unified payments interface (UPI): Developed by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), UPI is a real-time payment system enabling instant money transfers between bank accounts via mobile applications. UPI has been instrumental in driving the adoption of digital payments in India, significantly reducing reliance on cash transactions and promoting financial inclusion.
Alternative credit scoring: Open banking data allows lenders to move beyond traditional credit bureaus and utilize alternative data sources for credit scoring. This includes a borrower’s transaction history, utility bill payments, and digital footprints. By analyzing this broader range of data, lenders can gain a more comprehensive understanding of an individual’s financial behaviour and creditworthiness. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with limited credit history or those who are new to the formal financial system.

The power of partnerships: Collaboration within the ecosystem
The success of open banking hinges on collaboration between various stakeholders within the financial ecosystem. Here’s a closer look at some key partnerships:
Fintech & traditional FIs: Fintech companies play a crucial role in developing innovative solutions leveraging open banking APIs. Collaboration between Fintech and traditional FIs is essential to ensure seamless data exchange, robust security protocols, and compliance with regulations.
Data providers & aggregators: Data providers, such as banks and NBFCs, are responsible for securely sharing customer data through APIs. Data aggregators play a vital role in collecting and organizing this data, ensuring its accuracy and accessibility for authorised third-party applications.
Government & regulatory bodies: The government and regulatory bodies, like the RBI, play a critical role in establishing clear guidelines and frameworks for open banking. This fosters a secure and trustworthy environment for all participants in the ecosystem.
Statistics: Studies by industry analysts reveal that collaborations between Fintechs and traditional FIs through open banking APIs have resulted in a significant increase in the development and launch of innovative financial products. Additionally, partnerships between data providers and aggregators have streamlined the data access process, enhancing the efficiency of open banking applications.

Future outlook: Open banking’s trajectory
The future of open banking in India is brimming with exciting possibilities. Here are some emerging trends to watch:
Open Credit: This concept envisions a future where an individual’s financial data can be used to pre-approve them for loans and credit cards. This could streamline the loan application process and eliminate the need for extensive paperwork.
Wider choice and comparison: APIs empower platforms to aggregate FD offerings from a multitude of banks across India. This provides investors with a comprehensive view of available options, allowing them to compare interest rates, tenures, minimum deposit requirements, and other features within a single platform. This transparency empowers informed decision-making, enabling investors to select the FD that best aligns with their risk appetite and financial goals.
Greater convenience: Gone are the days of physically visiting bank branches to open FDs. Open banking facilitates a completely online experience. Investors can browse, compare, and invest in FDs electronically through these platforms. This streamlines the investment process, saving time and effort. Additionally, some platforms offer automated renewal options, ensuring uninterrupted returns on maturing deposits.
Rise of Neo-banks: Neo-banks are entirely digital financial institutions operating solely online. Open banking APIs empower neo-banks to offer innovative and personalized financial services without the limitations of traditional brick-and-mortar infrastructure.
Financial inclusion in rural areas: Open banking, coupled with mobile technology, has the potential to bridge the financial inclusion gap in rural India. By enabling the development of localized financial products and services, open banking can empower rural populations to participate more actively in the formal financial system.
Open banking is transforming the financial services landscape in India. By fostering innovation, promoting competition, and empowering customers with greater control over their data, open banking is paving the way for a more inclusive, efficient, and dynamic financial ecosystem. As the regulatory framework evolves and technology continues to advance, open banking has the potential to revolutionize the way Indians manage their finances and access financial services.

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