What new-age software tools should the youth learn to sustain the competition?

By Bhuvan Desai, VP Operations at Uplers

Today, we live in a highly interconnected world that offers unparalleled opportunities for professional growth. However, with the workforce going global, the challenge is to stay ahead of the curve and navigate the complex and competitive landscape.

Global hiring in India is expected to increase by 10X in the coming years, highlighting the need for young talent to be prepared to work with global teams directly or remotely from anywhere in the world. Approximately 60% of software giants’ employees work with global teams, and this ratio is expected to rise even for smaller companies. There is a growing expectation for talent to have exposure to global teams, with a target of exceeding 95%.

With India poised to play a leading role in this new era of global innovation, individuals need to equip themselves with the skills and tools necessary to succeed in this dynamic new world of work. Clients and international teams no longer prefer to communicate through intermediaries. Instead, they prefer speaking directly with executors and developers to remove communication gaps and improve efficiency and outcomes.

Some great to have soft skills are:

-Remote readiness
-Ability to express or communicate
-Organising priorities
-Cross-cultural understanding
-Attitude to learn and experiment
Saying “No” – In other words, explaining what is possible and what is not, along with key elements of “Why it’s not possible?”

Remote readiness is a crucial skill required to succeed in today’s global workforce. Talent and professionals need to be equipped with the necessary tools to organise their day effectively, stay proactive, and meet their commitments. To organise the workday efficiently, talent can use tools like Google Calendar – calendar.google.com, and Calendly – calendly.com, to manage their schedule and communicate availability to others.

Collaboration tools are also essential for career success in a remote work environment. Platforms like GitHub, Google Docs, Microsoft Docs, and Dropbox allow for effective collaboration with colleagues and the sharing of documents and code, resulting in faster completion of tasks.

Tools like Jira and Trello help remote professionals manage tasks and commitments effectively, ensuring consistency and timely completion.

When working remotely, presenting a professional and appropriate desk and background during video calls is crucial, as they are a standard form of communication. Platforms such as Zoom, Meet.google.com, and Microsoft Teams offer professional background images that leave a positive impression.

Tools like World Clock or Worldtimebuddy can help talent track different time zones and avoid scheduling conflicts. Beyond the clock, a cultural understanding and knowing the persona you are dealing with make much difference.

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