Amazon India head Amit Agarwal takes over as IAMAI chairman

Amazon India head Amit Agarwal takes over as IAMAI chairman

Amazon India Senior Vice-President and Country Head Amit Agarwal has been named as the new chairman of Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI). He succeeds former Google India MD Rajan Anandan.

“Agarwal assumes office at a time when the industry is going through a growth trajectory with more than 500 million internet users in India,” IAMAI said in a statement.

Yatra co-founder and CEO Dhruv Shringi will take over as the new vice-chairman of IAMAI taking over the role from Deep Kalra (founder and Group CEO of MakeMyTrip), the statement said. The tenure of the new council is for two years, it added.

“As the internet revolution continues to be a socio-economic leveler, offering barrier-free access to Indian customers and small businesses in the remotest areas, I am excited that we are coming together as an industry to help truly harness the potential of the internet and emerging technologies such as AI (artificial intelligence) in addressing India-specific problems at scale,” Agarwal said.

He added that IAMAI remains committed to bring forward non-partisan reports that include multiple perspectives to help lay the road map for achieving the USD 1 trillion digital economy along with job creation.

Amazon IndiaAmit AgarwalDhruv ShringiIAMAIRajan Anandan
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