AI can be used in fraud detection and pattern recognition

AI can be used in fraud detection and pattern recognition

Hero MotoCorp, which is arguably the country’s most ubiquitous two-wheeler brand, is betting big on emerging technologies like Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Hero MotoCorp believes that AI in security is going to be a big game changer, which will predict and detect the threats with or without human intervention. EC’s Sandhya Michu speaks to Vijay Sethi, CIO and Head CSR, Hero MotoCorp about how digital transformation is posing new security threats and making the job of CIO and CISO all the more challenging and complex

Some edited excerpts:

How is Hero MotoCorp is leveraging technology to remain competitive?
Technology is core to our business. Currently, we are in the process of experimenting in new areas, competency upgrade, and innovation. With the use of technology, the scale at which the IT initiatives at Hero MotoCorp were being implemented are amplified. We encourage people to work on innovative ideas beyond regular projects. We have set up a Centre of Excellence (CoE) centered around activities related to Blockchain, Machine Learning and IoT to work on emerging technologies.

In your view, how AI and ML will disrupt the security landscape?
Information security is paramount to all the companies — be it large or mid-sized companies. Protecting customers and internal data and information in complex security threats is making the role of CIO and CISO more challenging and complex. Earlier, we used to protect the information security from limited end points such as datacenters, laptops and mobiles. Today, it is going beyond mobile, IoT and sensors. Hence, the possible exit points for getting the information out are increasing day by day.

At Hero MotoCorp, we secure our information around three factors: Process, People and Technology. There is a huge amount of evolution in these three areas. As we progress, lots of global practices are coming in process and existing processes are getting matured. In technology side, some of the new technologies which are coming is leading to an increased threat, but some of the technological developments will lead to security advancement, for example Artificial intelligence. AI can play a huge role in today’s time to mitigate the risk which is growing on a daily basis. It is humanly impossible to track all sorts of threats and risk which are there. The second piece is machine learning. From a Hero MotoCorp perspective, we have a multilayer security architecture. We have invested in technology, which not only does prevention and detection but also predictions.

Where do you see the scope of AI in security?
Evolving technologies and the growing numbers of “always on”, “always connected” devices, tools and commodities have increased cyber-threats opportunities for access and interference. Security personnel are finding themselves overwhelmed by the multiplicity of attack vectors and tools available to the cyber-criminals, and are increasingly looking to a new ally, in the quest for cyber security. AI can be used in fraud detection, behavior and pattern recognition, behavior predictions. At this stage, we are exploring the tools available in the market. In a year or so, we see AI will become mainstream.

What were the key IT initiatives that Hero MotoCorp took in 2017-18?
We are already big users of 3D Printing, simulation, and it’s beyond new technologies like social, mobile, cloud and analytics. Moving forward, we are investing to make AI and ML the next growth engine for our business. At Hero, we are willing to explore new technologies and working with many startups in the areas of AI and ML. We will be replicating this experience in our new and existing manufacturing facilities to constantly drive innovation and efficiency. As we move forward, we will integrate the current solutions with other solutions as part of our focus on digitization, which in turn is aligned with the strategic business objective of achieving Industry 4.0 standards.

What are some of the key concern areas for Hero Motocorp?
Security is a critical concern and we want this to be a key element of our culture. To this end, all our developers are trained in secure coding practices. We are working to improve the group’s information security position through training and awareness campaigns

Artificial IntelligenceHero MotoCorpmachine-learningVijay Sethi
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