Brainly Survey: 72% students feel tech-based subjects should be included in school curriculum

Brainly Survey: 72% students feel tech-based subjects should be included in school curriculum

As India recently celebrated its National Technology Day on May 11, 2021, Brainly, polled over 1,500 Indian students. The platform asked them about their opinions, preferences, and proclivities when it comes to technology.  An overwhelming majority of students, 72 per cent, said that tech-based subjects such as product engineering, data analytics and coding should be a part of the school curriculum. Another 47 per cent of students decisively said that studying technologies has become critical irrespective of anyone’s stream. 

52 per cent of Indian students were interested in building a career in technology. Only 30 per cent of the survey respondents preferred other streams. 59 per cent of the students further revealed that they were interested in learning to code, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and other technical concepts. 

“Technology can be learned the best if it is taught with real-world examples in a fun-learning manner. It is good to see that so many students in India have developed a keen interest in learning technological concepts. Students are heading towards a digital future and must be provided with a favorable environment to explore technology. Hence, it is important to encourage them to follow a skill-oriented learning approach,” said Rajesh Bysani, Chief Product Officer, Brainly. 

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