Concur acquires TMC technology solutions

Concur, the global provider in integrated travel and expense management has announced it as acquired leading Travel Management Company (TMC) technology solutions from GDSX and RX. The integration of the acquired solutions for mid-office and data analytics into the Concur T&E Cloud will enable TMCs, partners and third-party developers to enhance existing services and drive innovation in a way that benefits the entire travel ecosystem.

From corporate travel managers and TMCs to business travelers and suppliers, the Concur T&E Cloud connects more than 20 million business travelers to the suppliers and TMCs that serve them as well as an increasing range of applications and services tailored to meet their individual and corporate needs.

“TMCs are a critical element of the travel ecosystem and Concur is investing more than anyone in the industry through internal solution development, acquisitions and the Perfect Trip Fund to help the ecosystem grow and drive success for TMCs. By integrating GDSX and TRX into the Concur T&E Cloud, we will enable seamless linking to suppliers, technology providers, corporations and travelers. For our TMC clients, this will help to create efficiency and value throughout the travel ecosystem,” said Steve Singh, Chairman & CEO, Concur.
GDSX and TRX have many strong relationships and years of product development between them. With a dedicated focus on customer success they have become trusted partners to some of the most respected travel organizations in the world. Concur plans to leverage their complementary strengths to extend the robust suite of solutions already provided through the Concur T&E Cloud.

·GDSX provides cloud-based tools and services that enable mid-office automation, pre-trip authorization, trip disruption solutions and a centralized trip repository. Their clients use GDSX solutions including COMPLEAT, CETAS and TripLink to reduce costs, increase revenue, simplify chaos, and empower innovation within their organizations.
·Through its TRAVELTRAX, CORREX and Queue Manager offerings, TRX offers solutions that greatly enhance TMC efficiency through automation while also providing TMCs with a powerful data and analytics capability for their customers.

These products lead to a higher level of service for their customers, while giving corporate travel managers the tools they need to gain increased control and visibility over their managed travel programs.

By consolidating data records from a variety of sources, including credit card issuers and networks, back office travel systems, hotel suppliers, airlines and GDSs, customers have a more accurate view of their total travel spend – including transactions that happen outside a managed travel program.
The terms of the transactions were not disclosed. Concur plans to provide updated guidance on July 31, 2013 when it reports financial results for the fiscal 2013 third quarter and conducts its regularly scheduled conference call.

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