DataWind launches CBSE mapped learning content on UbiSlates

Ubislate & iSculea (5 x 7) - Low Res

DataWind, maker of UbiSlate and Aakash tabs have launched iScuela’s multimedia rich educational content on UbiSlate tablets. Students in India now have access to this CBSE curriculum mapped rich content at a mere tap of their fingers.

Parents and students can get their hands on this special educational package for Rs5,999 only at ubislate portal. This special educational package comes with the 7 inch capacitive, UbiSlate 7C+ tablet, a microSD Card and the full version of the award winning learning content from iScuela.

The trial version of the iScuela Education application will be preloaded on all DataWind tablets and the users are free to sample the content of the grade that they are more interested in and then upgrade the product to the full version. DataWind will also separately offer the full version on its massively popular UbiSlate 7C+.

Content once loaded is available offline on the tablet and can be accessed anywhere, anytime. The offline content availability of the application provides the much needed flexibility to students to learn attheir own pace. Interactive exercises, quizzes, experiments and 3D videos embedded in all the chapters across subjects help reinforce their understanding of the subjects.


AakashCBSEDataWindiScuelaiScuela Educationlearning contenttabletUbislate
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