How Can Technology Help Fight The Pandemic COVID-19?

The outbreak of the Coronavirus or the COVID-19 seems to be a major concern for many. While there are reasons to panic, however, here are ways in which technology can help fight the pandemic.
How Can Technology Help Fight The Pandemic COVID-19?

Ever since coronavirus (COVID-19) broke out in Wuhan, China, it has spread to 100 other countries at least. China has leaned on the strong technology sector and has adopted Artificial Intelligence (AI), data science and technology to track and fight the pandemic. Tech leaders like Alibaba, Baidu and Huawei have integrated several healthcare initiatives.

Here’s listing 5 ways technology can help in fighting and managing COVID-19.

Using AI To Identify, Track And Forecast Outbreaks

AI can learn to detect an outbreak, also the better one can track the virus, the better chances of fighting it. AI can detect an outbreak by analysing news reports, social media platforms, and government platforms. Canadian startup BlueDot’s is working relentlessly to warn people of the threat days before the WHO issued its public warnings.

Using AI To Help Diagnose The Virus

Infervision, an AI company had launched a coronavirus AI solution that helps front line healthcare workers detect and monitor the disease efficiently. This remedy also improves CT diagnosis speed. Alibaba, Chinese e-commerce giant has built an AI-powered diagnosis system, which is 96 percent accurate in diagnosing the virus in seconds.

Using Drones To Deliver Medical Supplies

Drone delivery is being considered as one of the safest and fastest ways to get medical supplies whenever they need to go during a disease outbreak. There are examples like Terra Drones that are using their unmanned aerial vehicles, in order to transport medical samples and quarantine material with minimal risk. Also, drones are being used to patrol public spaces, track non-compliance to quarantine mandates. 

Using Chatbots To Share Information

Using chatbots effectively is a very prudent way to deal with the pandemic. For instance, Tencent operates WeChat, where people can access free online health consultation services via it. Also, the travel and tourism sector has immensely benefited from the use of chatbots.

Using AI To Identify Infected Individuals 

At a time when many people have tested positive, China’s sophisticated surveillance system had used facial recognition technology and temperature detection software from SenseTime, in order to identify that have developed a fever, and are more likely to have the virus.

Similarly, technological advances like ‘Smart Helmets’ that are being used by officials in Sichuan province to identify people with fevers. Also, the Chinese Government has developed a monitoring system called Health Code, that uses big data to identify and assess the risk of each individual based on their travel history. 

Summing Up

Dealing with a global pandemic as terrifying as COVID-19, the latest forms of technology like Artificial Intelligence and data science have become essential to help societies in dealing with this outbreak. 


AIData ScienceMLNewsTechtechnology
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