Indian SMBs gain on account of Cloud

The apprehensions for adopting the Cloud amongst businesses are decreasing day by day as almost 64% of Indian companies have experienced noticeably higher levels of security after they moved to the Cloud, a recent survey from Microsoft’s Trustworthy Computing revealed.

About 200 companies were part of the survey that was carried out by comScore and funded by Microsoft Trustworthy Computing. During the survey, both companies that used and did not use Cloud solutions were interviewed.

About 52% of the participating SMBs said they spent less time worrying about the threat of cyber attacks once they started using Cloud. Another 72% respondents said they spent less time each week managing security than companies not using the Cloud. They were also 22 times more likely to have reduced what they spend on managing security as a percentage of overall IT budget.  

The survey shows that, in India about 61% of SMBs who use the Cloud said they were able to employ more staff in roles that directly benefit sales or business growth; 63 % invested more in product development or innovation; and 62% experienced improved agility in being able to increase and decrease IT capacity when needed.

Richard Saunders, Director Trustworthy Computing, Microsoft, said, “Surprisingly, the US has the lowest numbers in terms of positive responses. In India, however, the companies who do not use Cloud said that they would get greater confidence about security in the technology if the industry standards improved.”

“Any solution that helps SMBs’ bottom line has to be good for them and the economy,” said Ryan Brock, Vice President of Worldwide SMB Cloud and Channels, AMI Partners. “When it comes to security, the Cloud offers SMBs a level of expertise, specialist resources and investment that they cannot hope to match. This translates into cost and time savings and better protection against cyber threats, which gives them the freedom to innovate and grow their business.”

Also, many companies (about 64%) surveyed said that using the Cloud enabled them to add new products and services that benefit their business more quickly and securely. Further 52% respondents said that the Cloud made it easier for them to scale their business to explore new markets.

During the survey the criteria for the companies polled were those with between 100 and 250 computers. The survey has been conducted in the US, India, Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong Kong.

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