Location Intelligence is transforming businesses: Agendra Kumar, Managing Director, Esri India

Location Intelligence is transforming businesses: Agendra Kumar, Managing Director, Esri India

On the occasion of National Technology Day 2022, Agendra Kumar, Managing Director, Esri India, shares his views

Location Intelligence is transforming the way businesses are devising strategies, analyzing competitors, managing operations and engaging customers. Decision-makers are imbibing spatial literacy to be able to effectively use location intelligence solutions and build a ‘Location Strategy’ within their IT Landscape of the organization. Seeing all relevant information in the context of location—on a map powered application or dashboard is helping businesses get deeper insights and giving ability to roll out location intelligence-based IT automation of business processes. As businesses understand the importance of location technology, the need for creating geospatially literate IT teams within organizations becomes all the more necessary.

With technologies like GIS (Geographic Information Systems) that serve as the backbone for Location Intelligence Infrastructure becoming more popular, companies are joining the quest for deeper knowledge. As a leader in the field of GIS, we at Esri India, are taking multiple initiatives to create market skills and knowledge.

Be it inculcating GIS skills in students at the university level or empowering the developers with the right tools to incorporate location intelligence in businesses, Esri India is making a strong impact in today’s technology-driven business landscape. Indo ArcGIS is a complete platform that individuals and organizations use to find, explore, create, and share maps; apply geospatial data, tools, and models to solve problems; collaborate in groups and communities; and deploy geospatial resources whenever and wherever they are needed. Esri India instructor-led training provides the foundation professionals need to learn how to build a strong platform, extend it across an organization, and fully leverage their GIS investment. Staying current with the latest GIS technology gives businesses a competitive edge.

Esri IndiaGISLocational IntelligenceNational Technology Day
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