Mobiliya launches India centric Mobile Device Management

Mobiliya launches India centric Mobile Device Management

Understanding the unique challenges of maintaining data sovereignty in an era of cloud, Mobiliya has announced the launch of Mobiliya Shoonya – a enterprise solution for extensible device management.

Mobiliya Shoonya, is an enterprise grade Mobile Device Management (MDM) server for Android and iOS devices. It ensures the security of sensitive company data, enforces compliance with corporate MDM policies and provides simple access to enterprise apps and services for employees.

It has all its server in India, making it a suitable solution for supporting data sovereignty for organisations, making it a true ‘Make in India’ product. Also, it can be customised to suit a variety of industry specific segments and verticals.

Solution’s features include remote device management to manage devices, enforce enterprise policies and remotely lock, wipe or reset any device; advanced security that facilitates easy deployment in governmental and restricted environments; device provisioning to assist administrators in distributing apps, files, operating system upgrades and settings for all enterprise devices and others.

‘We are very excited to announce the launch of Mobiliya Shoonya, an Indian MDM solution, as one of the solutions offered by Mobiliya to meet the needs of the rapidly growing mobile workforce. A lot of challenges are faced by Indian government and private enterprise due to the services being managed from offshore datacenters with different set of policies & environment, making it accessible to foreign third parties,” said Krish Kupathil, CEO – Mobiliya.


AndroidiOSMDMMobile Device ManagementmobilityMobiliyaMobiliya Shoonya
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