National Security Council Secretariat and Rashtriya Raksha University inaugurate Bharat NCX 2024 to upskill tech leaders against cyber threats

National Security Council Secretariat and Rashtriya Raksha University inaugurate Bharat NCX 2024 to upskill tech leaders against cyber threats

The Bharat National Cyber Security Exercise (Bharat NCX 2024), a landmark initiative to fortify India’s cybersecurity resilience, was inaugurated on 18th November 2024 at a high-profile ceremony organised by the National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS) in collaboration with Rashtriya Raksha University (RRU). The 12-day exercise is a critical step in preparing India’s cybersecurity professionals and leadership to tackle evolving threats with advanced cyber defense, incident response capabilities, and strategic decision-making.

In his Inaugural Address, Lt. Gen. M U Nair, PVSM, AVSM, SM (Retd), the National Cyber Security Coordinator, stated, “Bharat NCX 2024 equips our nation’s cyber defenders and leaders with the skills to mitigate complex threats. From technical exercises to strategic decision-making, this initiative ensures our preparedness to manage crises at all levels.”

Prof. (Dr.) Bimal N. Patel, Vice Chancellor of RRU, delivered the Keynote Address, highlighting the integration of education, research, and innovation in addressing cybersecurity challenges. He remarked, “This exercise not only strengthens technical skills but also prepares leadership to navigate national-level cyber crises through informed decision-making.”

Key features of Bharat NCX 2024 

The exercise includes immersive training on cyber defense and incident response, live-fire simulations of cyberattacks on IT and OT systems, and collaborative platforms for government and industry stakeholders. A Strategic Decision-Making Exercise will bring together senior management from across sectors to simulate decision-making in a national-level cyber crisis, enhancing their ability to respond to high-pressure situations with strategic acumen. The CISO’s Conclave will feature CISOs from government, public, and private sectors sharing insights, participating in panel discussions, and exploring the latest trends and government initiatives in cybersecurity. On the sidelines, the Bharat Cybersecurity Startup Exhibition will showcase innovative solutions from Indian startups, emphasising their role in enhancing the nation’s cybersecurity infrastructure. The exercise also highlights leadership engagement and capacity building, fostering a unified approach to emerging cyber challenges.

The event runs from 18th to 29th November 2024, culminating in a comprehensive debrief to consolidate lessons learned and establish best practices in cybersecurity.

(With inputs from PIB)

Bharat NCX 2024CISOCybersecurityNational Security Council SecretariatRashtriya Raksha University (RRU)
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