Netmagic Solutions is now a SAP-certified provider of hosting services. Over 30 enterprises have chosen it to host and manage their SAP solution-based environments.
“Achieving this certification underscores our commitment to supporting mission-critical IT environments for enterprise customers and reinforces our position as a premier provider of managed IT hosting services in India,” said Sunil Gupta, President & COO, Netmagic Solutions. “Now enterprises in India running SAP solutions can confidently choose to host their mission-critical SAP solution environments with Netmagic.”
Netmagic was evaluated on a wide range of criteria, including its services portfolio in support of SAP solutions, quality of its data centers, network and connectivity, managed back-up and disaster-recovery capabilities, IT service management support and delivery processes, application hosting services and administration and project management skills.
“This certification confirms Netmagic’s ability to deliver high-quality hosting services in support of SAP applications,” said Michael Ressemann, Global Head, Outsourcing Services and Solution Delivery, SAP AG. “To pass the certification audits, providers must meet high standards, demonstrating the maturity of their service management processes, proficiency of their employees, data-center capabilities and security, as well as redundancies and their back-up and disaster-recovery capabilities.”