NICE deploys its security solution at a financial institution

NICE Systems announced that a leading financial institution has deployed NICE’s Contact Center Fraud Prevention solution to better secure one of its contact centers against fraudulent callers. This unique solution, based on voice biometrics technology, enables the institution to identify fraudsters and reduce fraud losses without creating service hurdles for legitimate customers.

Results of the implementation have demonstrated high levels of accuracy in identifying fraudsters, with false positive rates significantly below accepted industry standards. The system is detecting fraudulent calls on a daily basis and as a result is saving the organization tens of thousands of dollars in fraud losses every day.

Voice biometrics allows the financial institution to identify fraudulent interactions based on the caller’s unique voice print. This technology was developed to tackle the rising phenomenon of fraud in contact centers, a result of attacks by sophisticated fraudsters who are more adept at using information from social networks and identity theft to manipulate customer service agents and to bypass traditional caller verification techniques.

All interactions are cross-referenced with a suspicious watch list of known fraudsters and given a risk score. Those that are “highrisk” create alerts and undergo further investigation via the NICE ActimizeEnterprise Risk Case Manager as part of the full fraud case management lifecycle.

The NICE Actimize Enterprise Risk Case Manager is a cross-enterprise tool, which helps organizations proactively address risk issues using a central platform for holistic case and alert management, robust investigations, and automated regulatory and management reporting. Enterprise Risk Case Manager consolidates information from any existing detection systems into a single, user-friendly application. With the ability to integrate all alerts from across the organization – branches, ATM, website, and contact center – the financial organization is now able to see the full picture of high-risk activity.

By focusing on potential fraudsters using voice biometrics, the organization can not only reduce fraud losses, but can also allocate its resources more effectively and decrease operating costs as only high-risk incidents will require further investigation. Moreover, these fraud detection capabilities do not create service hurdles for legitimate customers, such as asking additional verification questions. This enables both improved customer service and greater customer loyalty.

“Being selected by one of the leading financial institutions underscores our position as innovators in this field, which stems from our combined contact center expertise and that of NICE’s financial crime and compliance business (NICEActimize) in fraud prevention,” said Barak Eilam, President, NICE Americas. “And, as more and more organizations recognize the vulnerability of their contact centers to sophisticated fraudsters, we believe that the demand for our fraud prevention platform, which incorporates multiple fraud detection technologies, will continue to grow.”

The NICE solution is fully integrated with the institution’s existing  NICE Interaction Management  platform. The system also leverages the NICE Fraud Prevention platform, which includes multi-layered analytics capabilities and is designed to seamlessly integrate future technologies for the most comprehensive fraud detection abilities.

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