NICE introduces customer engagement analytics

NICE systems announced the introduction of its customer engagement analytics platform, the industry’s first to combine interaction and transaction analytics. The platform allows organizations to capture and analyze big data generated by cross-channel customer engagement and map the entire customer journey. This brings organizations closer to their customers by enabling them to better understand customer preferences and behaviors.

“The complexity of the relationship between consumers and enterprises continues to increase due to the endless amount of customer engagement data. But underneath all this data lies a wealth of information from which great business value can be realized,” said Keith Dawson, Principal Analyst at Ovum. “The challenge in uncovering the value is twofold. First, all of this data must be captured, connected, and analyzed across touch points. Then, using the insights generated from this analysis, the organization must make this information actionable.”

The NICE customer engagement analytics platform delivers a complete picture of the customer journey, both at the individual level by various groups and segments, and at the entire customer base level. This helps an organization provide outstanding customer experience while improving business procedures and efficiency.  NICE’s analytics engine can interpret mass amounts of both structured and unstructured data, allowing organizations to perform customer journey mapping and visualization as well as repeat contact sequencing and trends.

The insights extracted from the analytics of data serve as a catalyst for change within an organization, such as company-wide changes in business policies and processes, as well as more specific actions including agent coaching and guidance.

“Every customer journey provides a wealth of information about the individual and the service organization that can be harnessed for better business results,” said Yochai Rozenblat, President of the NICE Customer Interactions Group. “Our big data analytics platform provides organizations with the right tools and technologies to help them improve business performance. By delivering insights from the vast amount of data collected across interactions and transactions, our platform empowers organizations to better understand customers and their needs and to operationalize these insights in order to provide an exceptional customer experience.”

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