Oracle Launches Cloud Marketplace

With the proliferation of cloud, mobile, and social technologies, organizations want easy access to innovative, trusted business applications. To meet this demand from customers and create new opportunities for partners, Oracle has introduced the Oracle Cloud Marketplace. Featuring more than 100 business applications developed by Oracle partners, the Oracle Cloud Marketplace enables Oracle Cloud customers to easily browse, evaluate, and buy trusted business applications. Leveraging Oracle Cloud Platform Services, Oracle partners can quickly build applications, extend and integrate with Oracle SaaS applications, and publish their applications on the Oracle Cloud Marketplace to reach Oracle customers.
Continuing its commitment to offer the industry’s broadest and most advanced cloud portfolio, Oracle introduced the Oracle Cloud Marketplace, a global marketplace where partners can publish applications and customers can browse through and discover new solutions to address their business needs.

Featuring a large collection of business applications developed by Oracle partners, the Oracle Cloud Marketplace enables customers to easily find, evaluate, and buy innovative applications that extend their Oracle Cloud solutions.

Currently, the range of applications available cover channel management, lead generation, data quality, reporting, productivity tools, quoting, contract management, forecasting, sales incentives, and compensation management.

The Oracle Cloud Marketplace helps Oracle Cloud customers find the best applications to meet their needs through an easily searchable interface. Applications are listed along with all the relevant details to help customers determine their value for their organizations, including user ratings and reviews.

 “To remain competitive in today’s highly connected business environment, organizations are increasingly adopting innovative cloud applications to support their everyday business operations. Oracle partners can leverage Oracle Cloud Platform Services to quickly build applications, extend and integrate with Oracle Cloud SaaS applications, and give our customers the best and most complete cloud experience,” said Steve Miranda, executive vice president of Applications development, Oracle.

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