Secure Layer7 introduces a Program Details Page, ‘BugDazz’ to improve the pen testing journey

Secure Layer7, introduces one of its user-friendly flagship tech products titled “BugDazz”- Pentest as a service, a comprehensive hub to improve the pen-testing journey for both security risk leaders and pentesters. As cyber threats continue to evolve and become more sophisticated, it is crucial for businesses to adapt and reinforce their defenses. BugDazz perfectly described the cutting-edge features and capabilities for bringing more transparency in the pentesting programs.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Sandeep Kamble, Founder and CTO of Secure Layer7 said, “Our goal is to empower businesses with the tools they need to proactively contend with cyber threats and safeguard their crown jewels. This product not only reflects the enhanced functionality of our tech product but also aligns with our vision of providing comprehensive and innovative solutions to our clients.”
With the ever-increasing frequency and complexity of cyber-attacks, it is essential for organisations to invest in strong cybersecurity programs which will continuously assess the attack surface. The tech product ‘BugDazz’ is designed to address these challenges pentesting head-on, offering a comprehensive suite of features that ensure increase in the remediation of the fixed vulnerabilities.

The new and improved program details page offers user friendly activity as users can quickly grasp high-level insights into the program’s pentest progress, including multiple work packages for example mobile apps, web apps, cloud network pentest and asserts undergoing pen testing including enhancing visibility, streamlining processes, and incorporating data-driven decision-making.

Previously it was a pen testing process with multiple work packages and assets, but a program details page that falls short on visibility and synthesis of crucial information. Users grappled with a lack of granular details, making it challenging to get a quick overview of the entire pen testing program. The platform felt like more work and sometimes acted as a bottleneck, while it should have seemed more user-friendly for project management and tracking.

The journey towards transformation began with a user-centric approach. Understanding the pen testing journey for all personas involved was key. They meticulously identified gaps in the process and prioritised tasks, ensuring that our revamped Program Details Page would address these pain points directly.
By incorporating the product in the system, users can access crucial details such as the customer organisation’s name, the customer’s details provided during program creation, the program’s creation date, and the identity of the person responsible for its inception.

Additionally, any documents uploaded during program creation are conveniently accessible in this section.

Customer Organisation: Displays the name of the organisation undergoing penetration testing.
Visibilities in Pentest Program: Displays the total number of identified vulnerabilities.
Accelerate find-to-fix cycles with tech integration: Provides options to customer for invoking the retest of the vulnerabilities.

Monitor asset wise security posture: Improve your security posture over time.

Security risk leaders also can access information like the total count of assets within the program, the number of resources assigned to it, and a visual representation of the program’s progress through a comprehensive progress bar. Users can effortlessly monitor whether the program is ‘In Progress,’ ‘Paused,’ ‘Completed,’ ‘Ready for Retest,’ ‘Ready for Fix,’ ‘Sign Off,’ ‘Pentest Report,’ ‘Retest Report,’ or ‘Scheduled.’

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