Silk Mobile delivers improved quality to mobile applications

Micro Focus has launched Silk Mobile, a comprehensive mobile application testing solution that helps companies to create more advanced and reliable mobile business applications. The tool is designed to provide an easy-to-use, comprehensive approach to the functional testing of applications on mobile devices across multiple OS platforms including Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Symbian, and HTML5. It is designed to work with mobile applications the way an end user would interact with his or her mobile devices with gesture support including multi-touch, swipe, drag & drop, zoom, and scrolling. Test scripts can be exported to a number of scripting languages such as Java, C#, Python or Perl.

With lower set-up costs and a huge pool of IT talent, many Western companies are eying up India for app production, effectively outsourcing this process. But the domestic app market is also booming. The value of the Indian Value Added Services (VAS) industry, which includes mobile apps, was estimated at $3.4 bn in 2011, according to Deloitte. The rate at which this market is growing can be ascertained form the fact that 100 million apps are being downloaded in India every month on an average.

David Taylor, President of Micro Focus, Asia Pacific and Japan, said, “The demand for smartphones is voracious. This trend is powering the demand for innovative applications with much higher degrees of sophistication. There is an ever increasing pressure on the testers to keep pace with the explosive growth of mobile apps. With most of these applications being used for commercial purposes, businesses are striving to deliver a smooth and flawless customer experience on the mobile devices.”

“Predictions suggest that the India-specific mobile application market could be worth close to $4 bn in the next few years. In this scenario, it is crucial that the mobile applications should be tested rigorously to ensure a smooth experience for the customers,” said Nitin Dang, Country General Manager, Micro Focus, India and SAARC.

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