Skype Qik video messaging app arrives

Skype Qik video messaging app arrives

Skype has introduced a new video messaging app called Skype Qik for spontaneous video messaging for group or individual chats.

It is available on Windows Phone, Android and iPhone. The new service aims to be ‘as spontaneous as messaging but as intimate as calling.’ The app allow users to swap video messages with groups of friends too.

The videos sent by users lasts exactly 2 weeks and if any message or video is sent by mistake, users are free to erase it from the chat. Also, users can record GIFs using Qik Flik if they don’t wish to record videos. The Qik Flik feature is available on Android and iPhone and is coming to Windows Phone in the coming months.

Users can also block contacts on Android and Windows Phone, however, iPhone users will have to wait for a while to get this feature.


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