T-Hub Startup Keyboor Information Technology launches its social media platform in India

Keyboor, a new Social Media Platform that caters to the professional needs of Young India was launched today in the presence of Jayesh Ranjan, Principal Secretary, ITE&C, Industries and Commerce Department, Government of Telangana and MSR, CEO, T-Hub, an innovation ecosystem enabler. The platform is developed to engage youth located in urban as well as remote areas, and it provides tools to build competency through online training, bring awareness on market trends, create jobs, self-employment, and entrepreneurship opportunities.

Keyboor is a T-Hub incubated startup founded by three entrepreneurs namely Johnson Muppasani, Founder and CEO, Keyboor who comes with 20 years of experience in Information Technology, Anand Boompog, Co-Founder and CIO, with 22 years of experience in Information Technology and Moses Paul Muppasani, Co-Founder and COO, with 20 years of experience in Information Technology.

The platform engages with the student community, young professionals, jobseekers, employers, and corporates. The platform has been developed with the collaboration of Zentech Solutions Inc, USA and Keyboor Information Technology Pvt. Ltd, India. The platform has seen a good traction during its pre-launch in a remote district of Andhra Pradesh with 12,000 enrolments in two weeks from students, jobseekers, business entities, colleges, and hospitals that created a local market within the community.

Moses Paul Muppasani, Co-Founder and COO, Keyboor said, “Our objective is to support local business entities, colleges, hospitals and organisations by creating a local marketplace in urban and suburban cities which will help in accelerating economic and social growth.”

India’s working age and student population is estimated to grow beyond 600 million in the next couple of years according to India Skills Report 2019. However, globally India ranks lower for its poor professional skilling programmes. Keyboor aims to bridge this gap and is primarily looking to solve problems faced by youths studying in colleges in remote year with no proper infrastructure for college placement and career guidance.

social media platform in IndiaT-Hub Startup Keyboor Information Technology
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