The Success of a Strong Endpoint Security Depends on SASE

By DR Goyal, Vice President – Technology, RAH Infotech

Security perimeters have become obsolete as people use multiple devices and cloud applications to work from anywhere. When accessing cloud services, websites and private apps from anywhere, on any device, the SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) solution provides visibility, real-time data and threat protection throughout the entire infrastructure. Securing endpoints that employees use is imperative to protect data as devices are increasingly essential to digital transformation initiatives. Protecting against phishing and app threats allows organizations to thwart cyber attackers who want to steal credentials and data or shut down operations with ransomware.

The endpoint security solution is powered by the security graph, which analyses telemetry data from over 200 million devices and 150 million apps every day and continuously ingests and analyses millions of URLs. Organizations can use artificial intelligence to protect themselves against phishing, app, device, and network threats in an efficient and user-friendly manner. The endpoint security can automatically detect and respond to threats by using machine learning on data in the Security Graph.

Few endpoint security challenges that enterprises are facing in India:

Organizations that don’t employ enough talent for IT administration and tech support end up with a disproportionate ratio of machines to skilled personnel. IT departments that are short staffed may struggle to keep up with security vulnerabilities. Configuring patch deployment necessitates a set of technical skills that go beyond configuring registry keys and writing scripts. Because IT administrators do not have enough time to implement the updates, they are frequently put on hold. Holding on to an older operating system due to cost or time constraints in upgrading can be a serious impediment to endpoint security practices. Patching in bulk can cause bandwidth bottlenecks in medium and large enterprises.

Overcoming with SASE solution:

The SASE model delivers security controls as close to the end user as possible for both internal and external-facing resources, sites, applications and APIs. This improves the overall security posture of organizations and makes it more difficult for malicious actors to exploit vulnerabilities and launch successful attacks.

Other benefits include:

  • Providing network and security services on the same platform reduces friction by securing the network without compromising performance.
  •  Building an enterprise strategy around a single platform not only unifies security and IT teams, but also allows them to collaborate.
  •  SASE helps in analyzing hotfixes to determine criticality, monitoring and prioritizing systems for prompt action, and patching on time
  • Enterprises need a provision in their patch management software to eliminate network issues or a way to allocate more bandwidth to accommodate applying patches in bulk. IT admins can automate patch management and reduce the amount of manual effort required to patch their enterprise’s systems
  • Organizations need better insight into the risks faced in the organization. SASE detects abnormal behavior, so that the cybersecurity team can investigate the alert, understand where the security gap exists, remediate any weaknesses, and prevent any malicious actors from gaining unauthorized access to sensitive information in the future.

Security measures must be extended to the edge network while also ensuring that security is implemented on the endpoint. SASE enables businesses to connect and manage their endpoints to the network and edge with ease. By unifying features that include endpoint security, SASE solutions enable a user-centric approach for organizations.

Organizations will have a better security posture with a unified secure edge network and endpoint security. SASE vendors will have a far more appealing offering to the market and will be one step ahead of their competitors, providing a better solution for all customers in India.

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