WD designs enterprise-class hard drives for scale-out data center market

Western Digital announced availability of its WD Se line of hard drives, the first designed for scale-out datacenter deployments. Built on an enterprise-grade platform for reliable 24x7x365 datacenter operation, WD Se is tailored to deliver performance for large-scale replicated environments, mid-sized network attached storage (NAS) deployment, and backup/archiving applications.

WD Se is a true enterprise-class drive with the right blend of affordability and capabilities to address the massive growth of semi-structured data, which is accelerating the scale-out of datacenters of all sizes. Now shipping in capacities up to 4 TB, the new WD Se hard drives enables customers to balance their data growth challenges.

“Today’s cloud datacenter installations require a cost-effective way to build large-scale storage systems, while maintaining the 24×7 reliability necessary to minimize total cost of ownership,” said Richard E. Rutledge, senior vice president of WD’s datacenter storage business unit. “WD’s utilization of vast amounts of manufacturing and engineering data has forced us, like many other companies to use map-reduce methodologies to effectively analyze our data. The WD Se hard drives are used in our own big datacenter, where we have gained real-world experience with Apache Hadoop.” WD’s other datacenter hard drives – WD Xe and WD Re round out the high-end of the NAS market for large-scale rack-based NAS systems.

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