Startup introduces IoT-RFID device for location based smart fuelling

Delhi headquartered startup Pepfuels has introduced India's first location based fuel delivery system through its patented IoT – RFID based device to help industries, the farm sector, hotels and malls, save on fuel cost, time and prevent pilferage
Startup introduces IoT-RFID device for location based smart fuelling

India is the third-largest consumer of fuel, however there are many discrepancies in the system, and organisations lose a significant amount in fuel related wastages. This loss can be quantified in terms of money, time and workforce utilisation. Pepfuels addresses all these concerns by providing fuel at their location, at minimum cost. Currently, Pepfuels has a customer base of more than 200, supplying three-four lakh litres per month, and generating revenues of INR 2-3 crore every month.

Tikendra Yadav, Co-Founder, Pepfuels

“We are all engineering graduates and were working with MNCs. We quit our job three years back and started our entrepreneurial journey,” says Tikendra Yadav, Co-Founder, Pepfuels. The startup has patented an IoT – RFID based device for smart fuelling. It has also launched the first ever App in this domain in May 2017.

The IoT – RFID based device is a server monitored reader which is connected through the dispensing machine. It is developed to provide accurate, theft proof and zero loss in fuelling. “Customer can order through their App and our vehicle will reach their location. The customer vehicle/DG set is equipped with our RFID tag. Our dispensing machines is equipped with a reader which reads the RFID tag and dispenses as per the order quantity,” states Yadav, adding that no manual intervention happens in fuel dispensing. Also, Pepfuels vehicles are geo-fenced and equipped with GPS and fuel sensors.

He also informs that Pepfuels is one of the first approved startups for providing the doorstep delivery of fuel. “We are duly approved by PESO (Petroleum Explosives and Safety Organisation ) and also have tripartite agreement with Indian Oil Corporation Limited for doorstep delivery under license SOOB (Startup Owned and Operated Bowser).”

Target customers are mainly industries, heavy equipments, the farm sector, malls, colleges, resorts and hotels, etc., where DG sets are used. Also, for heavy construction equipments which cannot go frequently to fuel stations. The benefits to customers are many. Yadav lists the same:

  • Saves time: On An average it takes 2-3 hrs in B2B per trip and average of 10-15 mins in B2C for fuel filling.
  •  Cost saving: In B2B, an average expense of fuel buying is INR 600-1000 per trip.
  • Environment friendly: One vehicle saves 20 trips to fuel stations. The carbon dioxide emissions, loses gets reduced in the same proportion.
  • One dashboard system IoT based : The fuel management system helps to manage fuel buying through a single window system.

In the near future, the startup is looking at new technologies in door delivery concept for CNG, E-Vehicle charging, etc. “In the next 18 months, our target is to sell 5 million litres of diesel per month and more than 50 MDUs (Mobile Dispensing Units) servicing to our customers in various part of the country,” states Yadav.

Reminding that the industry is facing a huge challenge on account of manual pilferages and is not able to overcome it, he says, “A big amount has been spend on sensors to reduce the pilferages. Our system is changing the industry to be more aware and optimise their buying cost.”

Pointing out that in India 4.5 crore individuals visit fuel stations every day for refuelling and emit approximately 372 gms of carbon dioxide, Yadav says that his company is providing a channel to minimise the losses and benefit the society. “Every day in doorstep delivery, we save approximately 58125 kgs of carbon dioxide emission; we have provided employment to 50+ manpower with our new idea; with the launch of a new vehicle, we plant one tree to support the environment; also we have brought awareness through our fuel safety campaign,” he concludes.

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