In this video:
Ashutosh Verma, SVP – Product Management, PayMate
Topic: Digitisation & Automation of B2B Payables and Receivables to Solve Working Capital Challenges
Key Highlights:
[1] PayMate helps in replacing paper invoices with digital (GST compliant) invoices sent over email which can be tracked for delivery, opening and processing
[2] We are enabling digital payment methods like cards, EFT, etc., with scheduled and recurring payments
[3] Self-service portals like PayMate, can provide a centralised view of all outstanding payments, collection requests, and payment history
[4] We are helping in the reconciliation of payments against invoices to the ERP, which reduces the effort to manually track, follow-up, update and maintain accurate, auditable payment records and reduces reconciliation costs
[5] Automation and digitisation of B2B payments can be a game changer, as this has been proven to help the sector successfully overcome long-standing pain points associated with traditional payment methods
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