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AI: The new supplement for a healthier healthcare system

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By Shubhang Tandon, Co-founder, Online Chikitsa Mitra

In recent years, the integration of advanced technology in healthcare has revolutionized the way the world is approaching medical care. From the digitization of health records to bridging communication gaps and enhancing mental health services, technology is making healthcare more accessible and seamless. This transformation is particularly significant in the Indian context, where diverse linguistic landscapes and a shortage of medical professionals present unique challenges.

Digitising health records with AI solutions
Despite the global push for electronic health records (EHRs), many healthcare systems still struggle with effective digitisation. In India, the challenges are compounded by the lack of real-time updates and interoperability among different healthcare providers. Traditional EHR systems often require clinicians to manually input data, a process that is both time-consuming and prone to errors. Large Language Models (LLMs), a type of AI-driven model, can process and understand large volumes of text data. For the sake of simplicity, Lets refer to these technologies as AI solutions throughout this article. AI solutions offer a promising approach to these challenges. They can automate the digitization of health records by transcribing and encoding clinical notes in real-time, ensuring that health records are accurate and up-to-date.

Bridging communication gaps in a multilingual landscape
India’s linguistic diversity poses a significant challenge in healthcare communication. Patients often speak different languages and dialects, making it difficult for doctors to gather accurate patient histories and provide effective care. Additionally, doctors' limited time for comprehensive patient history-taking exacerbates the issue. AI solutions and speech translation models can bridge these
communication gaps by facilitating real-time, multilingual interactions between doctors and patients. These technologies can translate medical advice, queries, and instructions on the spot, ensuring that patients and healthcare providers understand each other accurately.

The integration of these models into healthcare systems can greatly enhance patient-doctor interactions. By automating the translation process, these models ensure that no critical information is lost due to language barriers. This leads to more accurate diagnoses, better patient compliance, and overall improved healthcare outcomes. For example, real-time translation models have been successfully used in other contexts and could be adapted to meet the needs of India’s diverse population.

Enhancing mental health services with AI
India faces a significant shortage of mental health professionals, a problem which has been laid bare by the COVID-19 pandemic. The vast gap between the demand for mental health care and the availability of qualified therapists has become more apparent. Increased stress, anxiety, and isolation due to the pandemic have led to a surge in people seeking support. Despite recent advancements in telepsychiatry
and the broader acceptance of remote mental health services, there is still a gap between the demand for mental health care and the availability of qualified therapists. AI solutions can play a crucial role in augmenting the capabilities of psychological therapists. These models can engage in preliminary conversations with patients, providing initial support and triaging mental health inquiries. This
allows therapists to focus on cases that require their expert intervention, effectively extending their reach.

By incorporating AI solutions into mental health services, this can ensure timely and consistent support for patients. This is particularly beneficial in rural areas where access to mental health professionals is limited. Furthermore, AI solutions can enhance telepsychiatry practices by maintaining an ongoing dialogue with patients, thus providing continuous support. Studies on AI in psychiatry highlight
the potential of such technologies to transform mental health care.

Challenges and future directions: Towards a more inclusive and efficient healthcare system
The integration of AI solutions across various aspects of healthcare—from record keeping and communication to mental health—promises a more accessible and efficient healthcare system. These technologies work synergistically to address the unique challenges of the Indian healthcare landscape, making care more inclusive and comprehensive.

However, these technologies have not yet been extensively tested in the healthcare system, let alone the Indian healthcare ecosystem. A significant amount of testing is required before these can be reliably integrated. Another challenge is bringing legacy data into the new system. While AI solutions and document reading tools can assist in digitizing handwritten notes and archived records, extensive testing is needed to ensure reliability and accuracy in this process.

Our telemedicine platform is at the forefront of this technological revolution. Lets prepare on developing close integrations of AI solutions with the patient history- taking process, aiming to streamline and enhance this critical aspect of healthcare delivery. As these technologies continue to evolve, anticipating even greater advancements that will further transform healthcare.

Looking ahead, the future of AI in healthcare is bright. By embracing these technological advancements, India can overcome long standing barriers and deliver high-quality, accessible care to all. The potential for AI to revolutionize healthcare is immense, and its impact will only grow as we continue to innovate and integrate these powerful tools into our healthcare systems.

The role of technology in healthcare is pivotal in making medical services more accessible and seamless. From digitizing health records with AI solutions to bridging communication gaps and augmenting psychological therapists, technology is driving significant improvements in healthcare delivery. While there are challenges ahead, such as the need for extensive testing and integration of legacy
data, the promise of these technologies is undeniable. As the world continue to develop and integrate these innovations, moving closer to a future where high- quality healthcare is accessible to all, regardless of language or location. Let’s embrace this exciting journey towards a more inclusive and efficient healthcare system.

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