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Treating employees as customers: The dual role of employees in IT service deliver

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By Bhaskar Ganguli, Director Mass Software Solutions

In the cutthroat arena of modern business, the race to find and keep elite talent has reached a fever pitch! As technology hurtles forward at an astonishing pace, companies are forced to think outside the box. One groundbreaking approach: treating employees as if they are the crown jewels of the organisation! This is especially crucial in the IT sector, where skilled professionals are not just valuable but alarmingly rare.

Forward-thinking companies are waking up to the game-changing impact of fostering customer-like relationships with their workforce. Just as customers expect seamless service and genuine care from their providers, employees now require the same level of consideration from their employers.

Once employees feel appreciated, they become the kind of loyal advocates every business dreams of—committed, enthusiastic employees ready to drive the company forward. Gallup’s findings in this context are astounding: companies with highly engaged employees experience an astonishing 21% boost in profitability when compared with disengaged counterparts. Companies that invest in employee well-being experience a 41% decrease in absenteeism rates, underscoring that happy employees offer tangible advantages to businesses.

Job satisfaction plays a critical role as IT service delivery professionals face tight schedules, stringent deadlines, and high-pressure situations daily. By treating employees like internal customers, organisations can foster an environment where employees feel valued, empowered, and motivated to excel, yielding many tangible benefits as well. Employees who feel valued are more likely to show their devotion, thus decreasing turnover rates—something that is particularly significant when replacing talent can cost up to 50%–60% of annual salary costs. Engaged employees can bring a 17% gain in productivity over their disengaged counterparts, improving service delivery. In addition to increased performance levels, engaged workers are more likely to suggest innovative solutions, providing companies with an edge against rapidly shifting industries.

Organisations that embrace this strategy are implementing customised engagement models tailored to the specific needs of their workforce. One element of this approach is personalising employee journeys—similar to how businesses customise customer journeys. Still, organisations must also provide personalised career paths, training opportunities, and reward systems that resonate with employees’ personal and professional goals. According to a report, 94% of employees indicated they would stay with an employer that invests in their career development, promoting continuous motivation and alignment with organisational missions while encouraging continued employee engagement and growth.

Apart from career development, seamless communication channels are equally essential. Just as customers expect transparent interactions between businesses and their customers, employees benefit from internal transparency within the workplace. Various company intranets allow direct access to leadership and essential information, creating trust between employees and leadership and ultimately leading to improved engagement and productivity levels among staff members.

Another element gaining immense popularity is work-life balance, which plays a critical role in employee engagement. IT professionals frequently face long hours and deadlines that can lead to burnout, so offering flexible work arrangements such as remote or hybrid models to accommodate employees’ personal lives and increase loyalty is critical in employee retention. According to a FlexJobs survey, 80% of employees would be more loyal if flexible work options existed within their workplaces. Apart from offering flexible work hours, those companies that go further by supporting mental health initiatives, wellness programs, and work-life harmony also experience reduced absenteeism and turnover rates, as this balance ensures employees remain energised and focused while producing exceptional results.

Collecting employee feedback regularly is crucial for continuous improvement. In the same way as customer reviews help refine products and services, employee feedback identifies internal challenges and opportunities for growth. Organisations utilising continuous feedback systems report a 14.9% increase in employee engagement and a 21% increase in profitability than those using only annual reviews alone. Hence, these digits prove that when employees feel heard and their input is implemented into actionable plans, they stay more committed, creating an atmosphere of accountability and collaboration within an organisation.

The economic impact of employee engagement is significant, especially in the IT sector. One immediate result is enhanced customer satisfaction. Gallup reports that companies with highly engaged employees experience an average of 10 percentage point increases in customer satisfaction. Motivated IT service delivery employees consistently surpass client expectations through interaction—this leads to stronger client relationships, increased client loyalty, and repeat business, all contributing directly to profitability and growth.

Treating employees like customers isn’t just a passing trend; it’s an essential strategy for organisations seeking to thrive in today’s business environment. This effective strategy allows organisations to better align employee well-being with business objectives, creating an advantageous symbiosis between employers and employees that benefits all parties involved. Within IT firms where employees simultaneously serve service providers and internal customers, companies should rethink traditional HR practices to foster meaningful employee experiences.

Embracing customer-focused engagement strategies can elevate performance and ensure lasting business success, both financially and personally. From increased productivity to reduced turnover costs, investing in employee engagement is clearly worth doing. When employees form the core of service delivery, treating employees like customers ensures organisations remain competitive, innovative, and prepared for tomorrow.

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