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Spend management boosts process and time efficiencies improving cost effectiveness while abiding by compliances: Sushant Jain, CRO, Spend Management & Business Network, SAP APJ

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At the Spend Connect Innovation Day, a flagship event by SAP, Sushant Jain, Chief Revenue Officer – Intelligent Spend & Business Network, SAP for APJ region joined Express Computer for an exclusive conversation. The discussion touches upon the significance of digitising spend management to gain a competitive edge in the market and how SAP is enabling its customer in their digital transformation journey. Also, he shares views on the future of spend management wherein he points to the integration of AI-driven solutions to transform spend management.

“APJ is among the fastest growing markets for SAP with India leading the region. We have an array of solutions built on the foundation of ERP solutions and Spend Management Solution is one of them. So companies with a technology backbone in place, we offer them a host of solutions to effectively manage their spending in a more compliant and audit-proof environment,” Sushant highlights. “Companies have a limited pool of money to spend. We help them prioritise better building time and process efficiencies while enhancing their cost savings.”

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