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India should have a central scrubbing centre, says V. Ranganath, Addl. CPFC (CSD), EPF India

The idea of Govts having a unified enterprise information architecture to rationalise on the G2C to and fro is being considered. On the same lines, India should also have a common India scrubbing centre too

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The need for juggling information security with customer convenience coupled with managing the unprecedented scale of digitisation have been discussed since many years now. In the post pandemic period, when WFH, use of digital platforms will become the new trends, this challenge will come up with much more thrust.

A lot of water has flown under the tunnel since the times of securing the IT infrastructure with conventional tools. “At EPFO, claims are now being filed from across platforms, devices i.e from a mobile device of the claimant; from the UMANG application devised by the GoI, so the capacities of the VPN, MPLS are being stretched too far and the demand now is to open up to the internet,” says V. Ranganath, Addl. CPFC (CSD), EPF India, the manager of India’s large provident fund corpus. The Govt organisation processes claims worth lakhs of crores from thousands of processing centres from across India.

To listen to more views from V. Ranganath, Addl. CPFC (CSD), EPF, click on the below link

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The challenges of large scale digitisation are already being felt. “Broadly it has latency issues. With the traffic having to be filtered through a string of security platforms, there is an impact on the IOPS of the database, application performance hiccups are experienced because of DDoS checks, etc. The idea of Govts having a unified enterprise information architecture to rationalise on the G2C to and fro is being considered. On the same lines, India should also have a common India scrubbing centre too. “No single Govt department can have it. Why cant India have a common scrubbing centre ?. It takes care of the Govt policy and technology all at one go. With this arrangement, it will not only take care of the technology part but also the operational risk of the entire Govt ecosystem,” suggests Ranganath.

A scrubbing centre is a centralized arrangement to separate the genuine data from the malicious data, where data traffic is screened to allow only the authorised data and not any attack vectors masquerading as a customer request. The DDoS, other vulnerabilities and exploits are removed.

V. Ranganath, Addl. CPFC (CSD), EPF India was expressing his views in a vRoundtable organised by Express Computer in partnership with Forcepoint

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